Chennai airport had the highest loss of Rs 189 crore among airports (2021-22)

Written by Sarath Kumar
- Updated: Feb 13, 2023

The Chennai airport has experienced the greatest loss among all airports managed by the Airports Authority of India (AAI). The airport recorded a loss of INR 189 Crores.

The AAI manages a total of 125 airports in India, including the Chennai airport. However, among all the airports, Chennai has recorded the largest loss. The AAI has attributed the loss to the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting decrease in air traffic.

The decrease in air traffic has had a significant impact on the revenue of airports across India, with many reporting losses. However, the loss reported by the Chennai airport is the highest among all AAI-managed airports.

In addition to the impact of the pandemic, the AAI has also pointed to other factors that have contributed to the loss at the Chennai airport. These include the increased operational costs and the decrease in revenue from various airport-related activities.

Despite the losses, the AAI is working towards ensuring that the airports continue to operate smoothly and efficiently. The authority is taking steps to minimize the impact of the pandemic on the operations of the airports and is looking for ways to increase revenue.

The AAI is also working on various projects to improve the infrastructure of the airports and to provide better facilities to passengers. The authority is committed to ensuring that the airports continue to provide a high level of service to passengers, even in the midst of the pandemic.

In conclusion, the Chennai airport has recorded the highest loss among all AAI-managed airports due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors. The AAI is working towards mitigating the impact of the pandemic and is taking steps to improve the infrastructure and facilities at the airports. The authority is committed to ensuring that the airports continue to provide a high level of service to passengers, even during these challenging times.

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